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McTimoney Animal Chiropractic

McTimoney is a musculoskeletal treatment, which uses chiropractic techniques to restore function and improve comfort, movement and soundness.

The Chiropractic treatment is centred around the spine and pelvis and aims to correct and rehabilitate any misalignments found to restore symmetry of the musculoskeletal system. 


The adjustment techniques used are fast and effective, yet gentle, and combined with laser, massage, joint mobilisations and other soft tissue techniques most animals enjoy the treatment.

Massage Therapy, Myofascial Release & Joint Mobilisations

A variety of massage, myofascial release, stretching & joint mobilisation techniques are used during the treatment. Massage has a number of potential benefits including:

* Reduction of pain and inflammation

* Improved immune system

* Increased oxygenation of the blood 

* Reduced blood pressure 

* Release tension and spasms

The soft tissue techniques used compliment the Chiropractic treatment and often mean the animal is better able to relax and enjoy treatment.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Thor class 3B laser therapy is often used as part of the treatment where appropriate. Laser therapy has a huge range of benefits, including:

* Improves tissue repair

* Increases blood flow & lymphatic drainage

* Pain relief

* Improves muscle strength and recovery & reduces fatigue

Studies have shown the effects of laser to provide relief and promote healing of many ailments. To find out more about how LLLT works and how it could help your animal please visit


The Treatment Process

During the initial treatment process, a full history is taken including information about the animal's lifestyle, workload, performance, and previous and/or existing medical conditions. This is followed by an assessment of the animal overall, including conformation, condition, muscle tone/symmetry and a gait assessment. A physical assessment is then carried out to identify any muscle tension or spasms, discomfort, restrictions in movement or range of motion and to locate any misalignments within the skeletal system. 

A range of appropriate Chiropractic, joint mobilisation and soft tissue techniques, alongside laser are applied according to what is found during the physical assessment, therefore the treatment is specifically tailored to the individual animal. 

After the treatment Emily will report her findings to the owner and provide advice regarding aftercare for the animal, any follow up treatments required and maintenance programmes. Emily may also prescribe exercises and/or stretches for the owner to carry out to target areas of restriction or weakness. As a general rule most owners are advised to rest the animal for the next 24-48 hours in order to allow the body to respond to the treatment, so please bear this in mind when booking appointments.

To the right you can see pre and post treatment photos showing improved skeletal alignment of the spine, pelvis and shoulders following chiropractic treatment.

* Please note: Veterinary Consent must be obtained prior to treatments where there is a history of back problems or undiagnosed lameness. 

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